
The non-medical use of addictive drugs without a prescription and the illegal sale of these drugs via the internet are not only problems for the United States. Globally, the abuse of prescription drugs is also increasing and many illegal internet pharmacies are located in other countries. Several important international organizations have recently released major reports on this growing threat.

The International Narcotics Control Board

The International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) is an independent, quasi-judicial organization within the United Nations that is responsible for monitoring and enforcing the provisions of the various international treaties governing the production and sale of narcotics and other psychoactive drugs. The INCB issues an annual report, released in March of each year, that provides detailed information on drug production and drug abuse trends in different countries and on the size and scope of the international drug trade. The INCB now sees growing prescription drug abuse as a significant threat in many countries, a threat that may soon surpass traditional concerns about the abuse of heroin, cocaine, hashish and marijuana.

Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission

The Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD), which is part of the Organization of American States (OAS), promotes narcotics control cooperation and coordination among countries in the Western Hemisphere. CICAD also encourages multilateral cooperation, supports drug-related research and develops minimum standards for drug-related legislation in member countries. CICAD also runs programs to bolster the ability of member countries to curtail drug abuse and drug trafficking. CICAD has recently released a report on the growth of illegal internet pharmacies which includes recommendations for dismantling these online trafficking networks.

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